Friday, December 28, 2007

The King Is Born

I'm still trying to figure out how to write about our Christmas, or maybe I should skip it entirely. I really wish I had some funny moments or pictures to share, but none come to mind. In the struggle to orchestrate the best Christmas ever for 7 adults and 4 kids, I really lost my Ho, Ho, Ho. Oh, everyone had a good time. I just made myself worry entirely too much about the stress of being the hostess.

There was one perfectly wonderful hour - The Christmas Eve Candlelight service.

This was the first year we've taken our kids to the Candlelight service. It was completely packed. The joy of singing hymns loudly in a packed church on Christmas Eve still makes my heart beat faster. Of course our kids LOVED the candles. I'm still laughing over what was used to protect us from candle drips - plastic champagne glasses without the base. They worked great.

Fred, my eldest, decided he would be the absolute last person to blow out his candle. He patiently outlasted the other 12 year old holdout in the balcony above us.

I wish I could remember more of the sermon. But I won't. What I will remember is the joy of celebrating our Savior's birth. And as I think back over our families' days together, that was about the time that peace showed up in our house, and I stopped worrying about pulling off a great Christmas and started enjoying the one we had.

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