I found I missed my morning time with the Lord. A quick prayer to start the day just wasn't enough. I have quickly lost my center sense of peace. Oh, things didn't fall completely apart, but I knew it wasn't the relationship I've grown to cherish.
This morning had me back in my favorite chair putting my spirit back in order, and God was so faithful. You see, I can quickly fall into the worldly trap of wondering what great things I'm supposed to do with my life. Should I be volunteering more, teaching, writing, painting, etc.? The question on my heart this morning was, "What do you want me to do, Lord?"
I found this quote from Oswald Chambers during my quiet time,
All God's revelations are sealed until they are opened to us by obedience...Obey God in the thing He shows you, and instantly the next thing is opened up...God will never reveal more truth about himself until you have obeyed what you know already.
Why would God ask me to do anything new, when I'm still working on the things He's already asked me to do? The adventure in my life is trying to be faithful in my follow through - completing the task before me. There's nothing new and earth shattering to hear from God, because I'm still working where he placed me. I can also rest in the assurance that when He wants me to do something different, He'll let me know.
Thank you, Dear Lord, for your faithfulness, for your patience, for your unending love, and the grace we so desperately need but could never earn. Thank you standing before me to lead me down your path, for standing beside me to keep me on the path and out of the ditch, and for standing behind me to keep me moving. In Jesus's most holy name I praise you, Amen.