Friday, November 7, 2008

But You'll Be Cold...

Good news! I'm back to worrying about if the kids did their homework or studied for their tests.

I'm one of those moms. I'm going to be one my whole life. You know, the ones who ask if you need a jacket when you're sweating.

"You might get cold waiting for the bus," I reason.

"Are you sure?" I ask, knowing the answer.

This morning, on cue, I asked if he wanted his jacket. He looked back with the hint of a grin, to judge my reaction, and declared,

"It's warm!"

I noticed the need for him to make his own decision and more importantly for me not to push my opinion. I lowered the unnecessary jacket and watched my growing boy/man head down the street towards the bus.

I pray I will see the opportunities for him to make his own choices to learn the lessons he needs to become a man. Choosing a jacket or not is so small compared to some of the choices he'll need to make in this lifetime. There will be much more difficult moments when he'll make choices I'll really want to protest. I pray God leads me to be the mother he needs to become a God seeking man.

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