Thursday, May 21, 2009

Balancing Committments and Friendships

This week I've made more of an effort to just enjoy some of the special friendships I have. As I mentioned on Monday, lately I've been a little bit of a hermit - Holding on to the little time I have.

You know what? When I look back on the time I hoarded to vacuum, do errands, and let's not forget worry, it's not as valuable as the time I spend laughing with friends.

Both friends I spent time with on Tuesday had almost identical conversations on this subject. And no, I did not bring the same subject up twice. We talked about when we become so busy that we feel stressed and pulled that we push away and hide. Yet, it is time in relationship that brings us comfort and joy.

We all have way too much to do. We all feel the guilt of not "doing it all." Often we push time for friendship out the door first before all the other "necessary" committments in our lives. While I know I personally need a little down time, there is a balance. Yet, that place of balance continuously sifts as the circumstances in our lives shift. I'm just happy that I feel my time of pondering alone at home is over. I'm ready for some giggles with my peeps.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Amen sister! Coffee this week?