Friday, May 30, 2008

He Delights in Me

This morning I was journaling about how the enemy will use any means to distract us from focusing on God – busyness, stress, headaches, illness, birthday disappointments, tiredness, old sin patterns (you get that my list could go on and on). I opened my study; and of course, it’s all about how the enemy uses our minds as a battlefield and winning the spiritual war. God’s so funny and so good. He knows how to get his point across. And boy, He has his timing down.

My friend Kelly is embarking on a wonderful time with the Lord. She's feeling his leading and following. Unfortunately for her, she's talking about the area she's digging into with me, so I keep sending her scripture references. It's kinda like I assigned myself as a reference assistant. Only, I'm pretty sure didn't ask for any help. God bless her for listening and smiling as I babble.

So I found another scripture for her this morning, or perhaps as I think about it more, it's for me and my struggle to keep the enemy out of my thoughts.

He brought me out into a spacious place;
He rescued me because he delighted in me. Psalm 18:38

I think realizing that “God delights in us” is just so huge. He doesn’t just love us, like us, or put up with our pitiful sinful selves that He has to save. He absolutely delights in us. I’m so glad.

I also like that He brings us into a spacious place. We’re not cramped, bound, pushed into the corners of our sins where we can’t ever see a way out. He brings us to his spacious kingdom.

Oh, good stuff. Good stuff indeed.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

For the record, I prefer the term "partner in crime" to "reference assistant."

And it brought me to tears this morning...the gratitude that I feel that God has given me the kind of friends/ partners/ sisters who leave scripture on my answering machine prefaced by "Oh, I gotta good one for you!!" God speaks to me best through my girlfriends, especially the ones with southern accents :-)

I just did a big search on the word "spacious," by the way! GOOD STUFF indeed!! Love you, sister!