Saturday, September 12, 2009

What a Difference a Summer Makes

I looked just a few posts back and realized that the last time I posted it was the weekend after Memorial Day. Here we are the weekend after Labor Day. Wow, it looks like I gave myself a summer vacation.

It was a fabulous summer vacation. Thank you very much for asking. I feel refreshed and ready to tackle life again.

Okay, so here's the real reason I've stayed away from blogging. I've struggled with this blog concept. I enjoy journaling about life. I like my blog.


I'm struggling with whether or not to share my journaling publically. Am I just looking for attention? I certainly hope not. Am I embarassing myself with what I do reveal? Writing the true drivel that comes out of my mind does confirm that, "Yes, that's really the stuff she frets over, contemplates, wants to share with the world."

I'd love to chronical our lives just for me. But that certainly isn't blogging, that's scrapbooking. Not to mention Hon is very anti pics of the family on the web.

So to blog publically or not?

I miss it. So even though I don't consider myself a writer at all, I'm just a girl with WAY too much to say in her own head. If I write it rather than stay on the phone 24 hours a day, my friends might actually enjoy talking to me thankyouverymuch.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I am blessed by your writing and love to hear where the Lord is taking you on your journey. I guess that would be a YES vote!!