Monday, March 3, 2008

Maternity Wear???

I decided to pop into Old Navy this morning and check out the sales rack. I could always use a few new t-shirts or even a new sweater. As I perused their spring fashions and clearance racks I ran into a few personal difficulties. (I'm not picking on Old Navy in particular; I've seen this style issue many places.)

Can someone please explain to me why empire-waisted, tie-in-the-back or front, flowing blouses are fashionable for non-pregnant women? Equally perplexing is the fact that when I finally found a long length, slim fitting t-shirt it was marked "Maternity Wear."


I understand that pregnant women do not want to look any larger than they already are by adding to their girth with a large flowing top. They'd prefer to let everyone see their growing bump at precisely it's t-shirt form fitting size. As a mother of three, I get that logic.

But making people wonder if, you're pregnant or trying to hide too much ice cream with a flowing top?

That one I don't understand.


Anonymous said...

since I have had to wear maternity clothes recently and do not wish to be in them again - I HATE THESE NEW STYLES!!! I am short and those types of shirts only look good on me when I actually have a belly and I am proud to say that I do NOT have a big lovely, round belly. Now with that being said, I have several friends who look like models in these hip styles. God bless them!!!

Anonymous said...

Have comfortable and stylish maternity wear which bought from Destination Maternity...