Monday, June 2, 2008

Family Time - a Treasure Indeed

The Dude turned 11 last week and learned an important fact.

Family time is important to him.

Hon had to travel on the Dude's birthday. It's happened to all of us before. Sometimes you have to celebrate your birthday on another day or without someone very important to you. However, this didn't sit very with the Dude this year. He couldn't explain why his birthday didn't seem as great as normal, but I was pretty sure I knew what the problem was. Even though I'd made pancakes for breakfast, decorated his room with streamers, took donuts to his class, he'd opened presents, had cake, and his favorite pizza for dinner something just wasn't right.

So, the day after his birthday we headed out for a family dinner to celebrate. All was right with the world again. Towards the end of the meal I leaned over and asked the Dude if it finally felt like his birthday. With a grin as big as the sky, he nodded and said, "Yeah!"

What did he treasure most?

The photo of his family at the dinner. You would have thought it was made of gold.

I knew I love that kid for a reason.

A good time was had by us all, because as we climbed in the car afterwards, Birdie said,

"I don't know how to say that place's name, but I am definitely coming back!"

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