Monday, June 9, 2008

Sharing Faith

I stumbled across Angie Smith's blog, Bring the Rain , last week. If you have time it's worth a read beginning to end, or you could start here, but bring your kleenexes. You might ask why I would suggest reading about someone else's pain? As Angie wrote in a post last week, if I can carry just a bit of their grief for them it is worth it. God is working miracles in their lives through this difficult season. I pray His comfort, love, and peace surrounds them.

Angie's post, The Threshing Floor, is a beautiful example of God's word being revealed as you so dearly need it.

May God be with them. May they worship God joyfully and expectantly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently stumbled across their blog as well. My poor husband, who was out of town at the time, called me while I was in the middle of reading it. When I answered mid heart wrenching sob - I scared him half to death! "What's wrong, Who's hurt? I'm on my way!" I had to hurry up and explain that I was reading a blog! Since I'm relatively new to this blog stuff - he says, "No more blogs while I'm out of town!!" Bless their hearts though - I can't even imagine getting through something like that without God. I have been praying for them daily!