Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Little Dude

The Dude is the classic middle child. He runs under the radar most of the time. He's the peace maker and doesn't like to be the center of attention. He'd rather cover up his brother's or sister's mistakes than watch them get in trouble.

The Dude is really sweet and his presence has been such a comfort. He's always been the one who wants me to tell our family's funny stories over and over. He's also the one that always wants to hang out with the adults to hear every word we say. Since he was a baby he's been a great observer. He may not say much, but he is listening to every word and intuitively picks up on all the non-verbal language exchanged. He was born with a gift to understand others by observing them.

He's also just funny. Although I'm irritated the eighth time in one day when he hides and jumps out of me so I scream and wet my pants, I do appreciate his effort. I really like it when I know he's hiding, and I get the chance to scare him first. I love that at home he's cuddly and still wants tons of hugs. I love that he loves to play. Outdoors, indoors, any game. He's made good friends at school and loves recess. During tennis season he asked the coach to run suicides. His dad was so proud.

He actually loves school. I know it's the social side, not the work, but he usually doesn't mind the work too much. As he grows he becomes more confident in himself. That's been the neat thing to watch this year. His confidence at school, with friends, and on the basketball and tennis courts has grown. It's great to see him proud of himself rather than trying to hide in his own skin.

I just love my little Dude.

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