Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Here I Am

This is so pitiful. It's been so long since I blogged I really didn't remember what my current header looked like.

Pitiful, just pitiful.

So while I've been off doing who knows what, along with exploring the world of Facebook where you only need to write a sentence for an update, my blogging has taken a backseat. This morning, however, I caught myself blogging in my prayer journal. It could be time to try again. Rather than start on the sappiness that appeared in my journal this morning I'll leave you with this glimpse into my life.

Last night as I dropped Fred off at art he started to close the car door. I called his name; and as he peaked back into the car, I told him I loved him.

He smiled!

And I praised God for the miracle of seeing a smile on his 13 year old face.

This morning still high off the smile from last night, I gave him a big hug before he left for school and told him how proud I was of him and that I love him.

This morning...I got the big eye roll as he stomped out the door to school. Who was I to think that lightening could strike the same place twice.


Kelly said...

YEAH!! Welcome back! Loved the story of "Fred"...and they say teenage girls are moody :-)

Anonymous said...

Aah well, I think I know the problem here...you broke the cardinal rule of mothering teen- aged boys...Never, ever expect any response from them, least of all a positive one, before 9 am! Just doesn't happen.
I say try it again at night, like you did the first time!! :)