Friday, November 30, 2007

Hearing God's Voice

I was just reading today's Proverbs 31 devotion and can totally relate.

So many people I know are listening to hear God's voice. They want to know their calling, their purpose, to hear God's reassurance. I find the times I have heard the still, soft voice of God moments I will never forget. When I recall them even years later, I am filled with love for my mighty God and God's love for me. It is a reassurance I cling to as I continue to seek to know God more.

Do you hear God's voice?

How do I hear God's voice? The first time I was filled with an overwhelming sense of peace in a time of great stress. A peace beyond all understanding. Way beyond.

Another time it was the moment I laid each day of the remaining 7 months of graduate school at his feet, and I suddenly knew he would get me through one day at a time.

He has surrounded me with friends moments after I have called out to him in anguish. He has answered my husband's and my questions when we wake up the next morning resolved in the decisions we have lifted up to him for guidance. He has flooded me with laughable "aha" moments when I finally understand the process of our lives.

These lives we lead can often bring us to our knees before God. And yet sometimes we seek God's voice to know the next step in our ordinary existance.

I'm still amazed at what I think I understood about God's will for my life lately. And yes, I'm pretty sure, I know what he wants, but I'm keeping my self open to the fact I may have misunderstood. Someone in my church emailed me about what some would call an opportunity, and what I see as somewhat of a challenge. Would I be interested? I said I would pray about it.

As I got in the car a few minutes later and began to pray, I burst into tears as I was overcome by the fact that no further prayer was necessary. I was going to attempt this new opportunity. However, I sure did not take any steps to meeting the deadline. As the deadline was a day away, my friend called again. "Have you been praying? What have you decided?"

I waited until after 5 that evening to finally turn in the necessary paperwork, and thought, "Hey, maybe they won't choose me! Maybe there's still a way out."

Are you laughing at me? You should be. My interview went beautifully. I couldn't even work up a hand-sweat. Oh, I'm still filled with fear of what's to come, but I'm also filled with peace that this is where God wants me now.

No, I never hear God's booming voice and exact instructions. As my husband will tell you, there's no Batphone to God. The manual is the Bible, and I love that it's the only one I need.

How does a plain, old, mom hear God's voice? She listens with her eyes and heart wide open.

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