Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thawing My Turkey and Methods of Relaxation

I don't know about you, but I've got a 20 lb. bird floating in my kitchen sink. It kinda makes me giggle. Obviously defrosting in the refrigerator has not been entirely successful, but perhaps in another week it would have been. So in all hopes that my turkey becomes soft and pliant, totally relaxed or thawed as it may be, I've given her a little quiet tub time. I could probably learn something from this lesson.

Buying a fresh turkey, that I pick up the day before Thanksgiving is not what I mean.

As my dear friend Karen pointed out last night - I could use a little quiet tub time to prepare for the big feast. I need to take time for me in the hullaballoo of having 7 house guests for the next 5 days. This morning instead of running to the grocery store before the kids get up, or cleaning until they wake, I'm enjoying my quiet time. Because let's be serious this is the last time I'll have morning quiet time for 5 days. I also plan to sit down and put my feet up for a full 30 minutes this afternoon before the relatives arrive.

My tip to you today is don't let the stress get to you. Even if your list is a full mile long take time for breaks. Use your kitchen timer and give yourself at least 5 minutes to sit, drink some water, watch the birds, and/or a little dumb tv. When the buzzer goes off, you will go back to your tasks rejuvenated and most likely a little more focused.

However, if you find you have absolutely no time to spare in your holiday preparations, go with plan B.

Make sure you buy some champagne or wine today. When the relatives arrive, declare prep time over and enjoy the company. Let your guests join you in the kitchen and actually help. My father-in-law and I have a few ground rules that he repeats each time he comes to our house.

"You want me to get my own drinks, right?"

"Yes, yes I do."

"I can just get myself some cereal in the morning? Right?"

"That's right. You know where it is."

"You'll let me know when you need help setting the table? Right?"

"Thank you so much!"

I found out a long time ago that my husband's parents run their house a little differently than me. Surprise! But, I also learned that if I asked for what I needed and gently laid the ground rules, "Everyone gets their own drink," I don't go completely crazy.

Happy Turkey Day! May your eyes be wide open to the abundant gifts God has given you. Check out other great tips at Works For Me Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Great tip! I hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful with your family.

Kelly said...

I count you among my blessings this Thanksgiving. We have some catching up to do next week, after all the craziness is over. Have a blessed holiday!

love you!!

Anonymous said...

Great tip! I have been cooking and preparing all day for our company, so I definitely needed this sweet reminder! Have a very happy Thanksgiving!