Monday, November 19, 2007

Random Thoughts Preparing for Thanksgiving

I truly wanted to put up a link to a hilarious Thanksgiving card that went around a couple of years ago. It was a turkey singing "I Will Survive." I loved it. But alas, it is "No Longer Available for Viewing." I tried all the new cards on that company's site, and I have to tell you none of them compared to that turkey singing "I Will Survive, Hey, Hey."

What I wonder is how my hands will survive Thanksgiving preparations, cooking and cleaning. Are anyone else's hands dry and cracked already? I'd love a manicure, but I can't see the point with all the housework and cooking I have in the next few days. Maybe I'll make myself a deal. If I can get the housework completed today, I can take time for a manicure on Wednesday morning.

Speaking of housework. Does anyone else make themselves insane before the holidays? All the nooks and crannies that I can completely ignore and not see any other time are suddenly filthy and calling out for my attention. I just spent a half and hour scrubbing the grout in my hall bathroom. I seriously do not think it looks any better. I also don't think any of my relatives will be grading the whiteness of our grout. Please help me in my obsessive craziness. My time could be much better spent...

...Getting a manicure.

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