Tuesday, November 6, 2007

So This Is My Blog

Oh, my, look at this. I remember this place. It's my blog. I can't believe I haven't posted since Halloween - 6 days ago! I guess that just means my life has been really full and busy.

Um, yeah, that's it...

I have been out of my routine, and I've found I'm a girl who loves her routine. What I'd love even more is to sleep late. I've had the perfect opportunity with the kids' teacher workdays yesterday and today. And yet there was that little time change. Now I'm laying in bed wide awake before my husband's alarm goes off. It just makes his day that I've gotten up with him the last two days instead of sleeping in with the kids. What I should do is get up and exercise. And that's something I'll need to tackle tomorrow. I mean the real tomorrow, not the tomorrow that's way off in the future that I never have to face.

Anyhoo, I don't have much to say today. I just wanted to make sure I remembered how to type. Here's the only semi funny thing that's really happened around here this weekend.

Fred, our oldest was jabbering away in the car the other afternoon. He turned to me and said,


I, of course, laughed. It was totally in the randomness of how he said it. He then explained that just about any girl will laugh when you say, "Pudding." He also thinks they laugh if you say their name. Which brought me to the idea of...
...my son is trying to figure out how to make girls laugh.

Very, very, interesting. And hopeful, because a good sense of humor is golden.

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