Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How to Improve at DDR and Other Lofty Goals

I've never returned to blog my thoughts on 2007, because I really haven't come to any share worthy conclusions. I also didn't have any New Year's Resolutions. I guess you could say I had a whole bunch of nothin'. Until yesterday morning that is.

At about 11:30 am yesterday, I was given my New Year's Resolution by the cute little physical therapist who pronounced my arches - flattened, my pelvis - rotated, my posture - abysmal, and my core strength - non-existent. Happy New Year to the Old Me.

All these difficiencies can cause a little thing I've come to live with known as a foot on fire or alternately numb. Random timing for either is provided by my irritated sciatic nerve. It's only been bothering me since my daughter was born...oh, let's see...almost 9 years ago. However as the raging inferno spread from my foot to my knee over Thanksgiving weekend, I thought maybe I should have it checked. (I'm sure my husband and friends who listen to me complain daily are glad I finally went.)

Yet, that is how I arrived at the diagnosis of bad posture. Which lead me to my number one New Year's Resolution - Improve My Posture. I sure hope the physical therapist has a plan for teaching me how to stand up straight, because obviously I missed it somewhere in the last 38 years. Even though I knew my posture isn't great, but I never realized where that could lead. I'm totally ready to follow her plan, because after her diagnosis I have resolutions. I have important things to accomplish in 2008, such as:
  • be able to walk without limping after watching a movie in a theatre
  • walk my kids to school without regretting it the next three days
  • score better than a D on my daughter's DDR
  • And if I'm going to stand up straight, I certainly hope to find my waist in the process.

I have lofty athletic goals people.

For now, I'm off to try some more crunches on the floor...with the dog sitting on me to add a little extra resistance. If you see anyone running into poles or if I don't turn my head to say hello, please realize how hard I am concentrating on tightening my core, holding my shoulders back, keeping my pelvis un-rotated, and walking with my brand new arch supports.

Oh, yes indeedy, 2008 is going to be a stellar year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It suckd getting old! :)