Saturday, February 9, 2008

Raising Kids or Guiding Future Adults

I haven't been blogging lately, and truly have nothing important to say right now. Or maybe I do have some thoughts, but I don't have them straight in my mind yet. This post could be full of weeding, so beware!

I admitted to my prayer group yesterday that I have just realized that the children I'm raising will be adults one day.

Shocking isn't it. They actually grow up and leave home one day. Then someday they'll have their own families. Amazing.

It may take me another month or two to adjust to this new mindset. I've been working so hard to be a decent mom and have good children, that I have truly never seriously considered what kind of adults I'm raising.

People, I am scared. And I mean really, really scared. Maybe this is God teaching me a little humility. Prayerfully, this is God molding me into a better mother and example.

So that's what's been brewing in my "missing the completely obvious" brain lately. How my husband and I interact, how I relate to my children, what they see me do and say completely lays the ground work for their adult lives. It's not just about making sure they go to church, getting their homework done, making good grades, being kind to others, and being good kids. There's a bigger picture out there that I was too blind to see.

Did I tell you I was scared?

The good news is that I realized this. I pretty much have the assurance of God that He'll show me what to do since He let me in on this little secret that kids grow up. He's given me a husband that laughed out loud at my epiphany. He's surrounded me with a wonderful group of praying mothers that pray me through this. Most importantly, He meets me each morning to open my eyes a little bit more to see his glory in this world.

God is good, and I'm still the clueless wonder. Life makes me laugh.

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