Monday, February 25, 2008

Twister Still Reigns

I think I can call Birdie's Birthday Sleepover a full blown success. I did not micro-manage the party or drive myself crazy with planning or Googling party ideas for days. That in itself was a major achievement. The girls squealed, ate pizza, laughed, squealed, had a superb scavenger hunt (pat on the back to me for that one), played more rounds of Twister than one could imagine, squealed until my ears bled, and fell asleep earlier than I ever did at a sleepover.

Dare I say, we'd do it again. And maybe next time she can have a sleepover without a birthday, just for a sleepover???

Hold on, I think my combination of coffee and sinus medicine is producing hallucinations. I should just enjoy surviving the party and the joy of knowing that birthdays only come once a year.

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