Friday, December 14, 2007

Now Featured on News 4

Well, I've had my 3 minutes of fame (more like 15 seconds). I'm sure the paparazzi will be bursting from the bushes to take my picture as I try to take my children to school this morning.

Oh, how I jest.

Actually, I'm more sure some sort of make-over TV crew will kidnap me to teach me to wear lipstick at all times. And I would really appreciate that tutorial.

A friend and I did a little Christmas shopping at Tyson's Corner yesterday. While shopping we were asked to be interviewed for the evening news. Amid much giggling we agreed. Apparently there's some kind of winter storm coming to the area this weekend, (it was news to me - hee, hee) and people are taking off work to Christmas shop. I being "from the South" said I'd finish shopping next week. We failed to mention that we don't have paying jobs and can pretty much shop every day the kids are in school next week. We didn't think it would lend any credibility to our interview. What with the frenzy over the storm and everything.

I probably should have mentioned my non-shopping woes and avoided the air time. My brief time as a TV-news-mall-shopping-celebrity has taught me two things.
  1. I need to find a fail proof stay all day lipstick, or at least reapply it occasionally.
  2. I need to look into teeth whitening.

What with all the rest I was talking about having yesterday, I'm sure I can fit those two things into my busy schedule.