Monday, October 29, 2007

Our Own Engagement Memories, Part III

We sat side by side on the rocky ledge of the old stone waterfall. We could see the remains of the old mill across the creek. The leaves spiraled down into the churning water below our dangling feet. I'm sure now that Hon's stomach was also churning.

He tried desperately to recreate the amazing talk we'd had a year ago. We'd mapped out our hopes and dreams and made connections on levels that opened our eyes not only to our chemistry and the feelings of new love, but our compatibility, our future, the possibilities.

I, however, was still stewing over the fact that this was not my engagement day. That if I told my love I wanted to get engaged here at the waterfall on my family's property, I would ruin any surprise I might have. That was when and if he ever decided to ask me to marry him. One might say, I was less than cooperative about re-living our most romantic moments.

Hon wrapped his arms around me and warmed me with memories from the past year. He nuzzled my neck and told me how he fell in love with me as I talked about teaching one day at lunch. We laughed over the first time I told him I loved him - in McDonald's. We giggled about our horrible first dates. His first visit to meet my parents. Valentine's day at the Irregardless Cafe. My spring formal when we fought because graduation was so near, and then made up when we admitted we wanted to continue dating after graduation. I thawed a little. I kissed him back. I leaned comfortably against this man who made me feel loved, protected, and excited all at once.

Finally, he asked,

"How much do you love me?"

"This much," I answered as I squished my index and thumb together.

"How much do you love me?" he asked again.

"This much. All the way around the world and back," I said squeezing my fingers together.

"Do you love me this much?" he asked as he opened a ring box. be continued...

...just a little bit more...

1 comment:

Kelly said...

This is so much fun! I can't wait to hear how it ends (other that the obvious, of course!)