Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Unwrinkled Clothes

If you're a Martha Stewart type or born organized, this hint probably isn't for you. As documented here and here, I sometimes struggle with household appliances. And unfortunately, yesterday's post shows my daughter is headed in the same direction.

There is hope and at least one tip I can give her. I'm simply embarassed that I was only discovered it in the past year.

What do you when you've left clothes in the dryer? Perhaps for days? And days? Clothes that become small wrinkled balls that make an iron cry.

I'm sad to say in the past, I quite possibly just washed them again. Until someone let slip in random mom conversation that they throw a clean, wet dishtowel in with the wrinklies and re-dry the load. Voila! Beautiful, unwrinkled clothes.

Now here's a further reminder for those fellow moms in my time management challenged category. (Please God don't let me be the only clueless one). Don't go to the trouble of throwing the wet dishtowel in with the load of wrinkled clothes and walk out the door to do whatever. You'll miss you're window of opportunity. You actually need to hang around and FOLD the clothes when the dryer buzzer - well buzzes.

Check out other great Works For Me Wednesday tips at Rocks In My Dryer.

Or check out another laundry WFMW tip from me here.


Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Oh, that's a great idea!! I generally will take my oh-so-wrinkled clothes out and then pile them on a chair in my bedroom until I can't stand to look at them anymore, then eventually hang them up and not wear them until I have NOTHING else to wear and am forced to iron them. This is much better!!

Memarie Lane said...

LMAO! I never thought of myself as a Martha Stewart type but I guess I must be.

JCK said...

Yes, this IS a great idea. I have actually done this before, but I feel I must getting carried away with yet another task and FORGETTING yet AGAIN about the clothes in the dryer. Yes, folding the clothes promptly is a good idea... And why is it that my husband's clothes are always the most wrinkled. He's starting to take it personally...

Mom2fur said...

Well, thanks! You just reminded me to put my clothes in the dryer. And it's what I call an 'ironing wash.' I just hope I don't forget it like I often to. I have your tip!'s a great one!

Unknown said...

It's what I do too.

Hanging clothes near the shower helps too.

Enjoy your weekend!