Oooo, look at this. It's a blog, and I still remember how to log on! I had grand plans to blog from the beach, but got distracted by many things. Luckily, I did get to spend many hours with my feet in the waves watching the horizon. I just love the beach, no matter what crazy family dynamics follow me there.
Vacation was "interesting," to use the word my husband uses to describe things he doesn't want to come out and say too harshly. He also tends to say that every difficult situation in his life is a good learning experience.
Well, last week was a great learning experience and it was very, very in-ter-est-ing.
But, hey, we were at the beach, it was gorgeous, my husband looked like a saint and husband of the year all week, the kids had an absolute blast, and I now have a gorgeous tan to cover my not so gorgeous cellulite.
Life is Good!
The kids had such a good time that I'd even do it again. Of course, now I hopefully understand a few of the personalities better. Optimism - it makes everything look better.
Here's a picture of us on the beach right after sunset.

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