Friday, September 21, 2007

Did You Get That?

"This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy." George Bernard Shaw

Note: I just need to write this down, so I remember it. Beware of much rambling.

Last week I went on and on about I've spent a lot of time the past few months wondering about my purpose and following God's will. I was finally pretty sure I understood what God has been planning for me right now.

Well, you know, God listens to prayers. And I have just been chuckling to myself the past two days at how well He listens.

As I stated the other day, I was worried that if God ever revealed something to me I would miss it. So I've been praying that when He reveals what He wants me to do with my stay-at-home-mom-self, could he be really specific, and loud and clear, and repeat it a few times to make sure I didn't miss it? Because we all know, I am pretty clueless at times.

Um, yeah, God took that prayer seriously.

My Bible study group started Jesus, the One and Only, by Beth Moore on Wednesday. I just know it's going to be fabulous. First, we all commented on her completely then-stylish linen shift dress with huge blazer. Oh, and the cream hose with pumps. Then a little surprise, the panoramic views of Jerusalem filled me with a longing to visit the Holy Land for the first time in my life.

The bigger more personal surprise came towards the end of video. What I realized last week, that God has opened up time in my life to study Him, was confirmed through a story by Beth.

As we left Bible study a friend of mine said, "Did you catch what she said? She could have been talking about you."

Yeah, I caught it. How could I miss it?

The first lesson revolved around a famine for God's word. God creates a famine of - hunger, thirst, the Word, friendships - whatever works, in our lives to work up an appetite for him. Beth told a little snippet about a dear friend that moved to a new town and experienced a famine of friendship. This famine of friends provoked a hunger for the Lord. She filled her free time by teaching several Bible studies. She was so involved in the Word, she didn't have time to miss her friends. God used a famine to provoke a hunger for the word, so she could share God with others.

When I moved here last year I quickly joined two different Bible studies reasoning that God surely would not mind if I made friends while learning about Him. Since then I've had the opportunity to begin a Moms In Touch group that is now growing, and last week I agreed to lead a small group in our Bible Study. Along the way, I've been mystified by why I just didn't want to go back to teaching. I even interviewed for two teaching positions and turned them down, because it didn't feel right. Plus, you know, teaching would have conflicted with my Bible study meetings.

I definitely get it, Lord. And to make sure I heard- because I did tell God I was clueless - God inspired a friend of mine to talk about the similarity of Beth's story and my past year. She even went as far as to say that by not taking the teaching jobs, I was making the choice God wanted - Him. I think this was God's three punch plan and He giggled all the way through it. God can confirm his will through events, the Word, and friends that hear it with you. He made sure He covered all three so I wouldn't miss it. Thanks, God!

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