Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Benedryl Works For Me

Last week as I walked out of Lowes and reached into my pocket - OUCH!!!

A bee or yellow jacket stung me. I really couldn't tell which it was as I flailed through the parking lot trying to avoid traffic and not scream like a three year old. Oh, yes, it was a moment. Picture a Mom in painting clothes doing a wild bee dance in congested NOVA parking lot. I am sure I looked good.

So as I drove home with my hand beginning to swell I remembered my poor mother-in-law who suffered a very red, hot, swollen hand after a bee sting this summer. We were at my hubs graduation, and she was in pain. I pulled out the only ointment in my purse - Benedryl creme - and gave it to her. The results were amazing. She'd been stung the day before so her entire hand was swollen. By the next morning after many applications of Benedryl creme much of the swelling was gone.

My story is similar. I immediately put the Benedryl creme on once I got home. I kept applying it throughout the evening. The initial swelling disappeared. The next morning I had a large area swollen, and it itched halfway up my arm. I reapplied the Benedryl creme. Sweet, sweet Benedryl. The itching was gone within 5 minutes and the swelling went down to almost nothing. The Benedryl worked so well I didn't dare try anything else. After years of worthless home remedies and over the counter non-helps, I've found something I will recommend to everyone.

That's my Works For Me Wednesday tip this week. Check out more great tips at Rocks In My Dryer.

My previous Works For Me Wednesday posts are:


Anonymous said...

I also heart Benadryl.

As a child with assorted allergies that led to hives, Benadryl saved me from many a welt. And it knocks me out if I need a good night's sleep.

Glad you survived the sting.

Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife said...

Keeping Benadryl on hand is an awesome tip!

Thanks for sharing!