Saturday, September 8, 2007

Random Thoughts at the Beginning of School

I've got tons of thoughts bouncing in my head, let's see which ones make it on to the screen...

We had prayer group yesterday morning and God answered a prayer I didn't even know I had. He sent a new mom to our group who's daughter is in my son's class. They've just started middle school. While my son can talk the ears off corn, I obviously receive little true information about school besides, "It's too early. I hate homework. Quit asking me questions."

This behavior has been going on so long that usually I don't even know I'm missing out on tons of information and insight that other mothers regularly receive.

As in - my eldest said he sat with one boy at lunch the first day and then a bunch of girls sat down at their table. The next day when I asked if he sat at a different table, he informed me that now he has to sit at that table all quarter.

The real story, from a mom of one of the girls, is that they have assigned seating during lunch for the first quarter. Does my son not even know he was assigned that seat? And also the assistant principal came in and screamed about their assigned seating and how noisy they were during the first day of lunch. Welcome to middle school. Either my son was too busy eating to notice the screaming, or just didn't feel like telling me.

I have asked this dear mother to join us each and every week for prayer. Oh, and do I have some ulterior motives. I will possibly actually find out what's happening at middle school. I just know God sent her for that very reason.

On another note, I've started exercising again for many reasons, most of them the pounds and inches that are showing up on my body. I think it is absolutely true that exercising gives you more energy, that is until you fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon and by 8:30 at night.

While awake, I do have more energy. It's mostly the soreness in my chubby legs wanting to escape. However, I now definitely need a 15 minute mid-afternoon nap and by 8:30 I'm toast. It could be that we're still getting used to the school schedule. I was very comfortable drinking coffee and surfing the net until mid-morning. Now, we're out the door by 7:05 - my eldest to the bus, the dog and I on our walk.

Finally, my friend just shared a hilarious story that I have to share. I commented that The Dude was amazed when I hugged him goodbye yesterday morning and told him to use shampoo the next time he showered. He couldn't figure out how I knew???

Yes, he still thinks I have eyes in the back of my head. He even sneaks behind me and asks me how many fingers he's holding up regularly.

My friend related this story about her son...

Ben called his mom while she was at a meeting Thursday night crying, "Dad's being mean to me?"

To which she asked,"Did Dad tell you to take a shower?" We mothers so know our children.

"Yes, He did. But I'm not dirty. I didn't have gym today, and I didn't even sweat. I'm not taking a shower," Ben said.

"Ben, you need to take a shower, and I have to go now. I'll be home soon, after your shower."

When she got home she asked her husband where Ben was. His Dad said he put him to bed, no shower.

This morning as they walked to the bus they met another dad with a dog. Don't you know the dog immediately walked up to Ben and stuck his nose under Ben's arm for a nice long sniff.

The dog's owner asked, "Son, didn't you take a shower?"

My friend snorted and laughed till she cried - on the inside that is.

Ben came up to his mom, "Mom, I need to change my shirt. This one has dog slobber on it."

My friend replied, "You can do that when you TAKE A SHOWER tonight."

Well, I'm off to the paint store. Yes, I started yet another painting project, and I need to fix a few things. My husband would be delighted, absolutely delighted if he came home tonight to a project actually completed. Maybe this time it will actually happen.

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