Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Note You Can't Lose

I am not a list kind of girl. At times I wish I were. Many days my husband, an excellent list maker and completer, begs me to become a list kind of girl. I just can't seem to get it together. Oh, I know how to make a list. It's just it ends up laying on the kitchen counter, in the car, a parallel universe? I make a list; I lose said list. And don't even get me started on calendars.

Back when I still had my memory, the mere process of writing the list branded everything into my steel trap mind. But alas, see here, that is no longer the case. So I needed a way to keep up with my list.

I just write important things on my hand. Are you shocked? For some reason many people are when they see something written there or even me witness making the note. Strangers will actually say, "You've got something on your hand!"

It's not like it's a tattoo, people. I do wash it off.

It's a great place to write a quick code of something I'm going to need. The constant visual reference, usually helps me remember what I'm trying to remember. Whether it's lunch with a friend, babysitting, school supplies for the kids, a call to return, or getting myself to the dentist today, my handy-note never leaves my hand, hee-hee.

That's what works for me. Check out more great ideas at Rocks In My Dryer.


Anonymous said...

I've always done this too. Drives my 11 year old to distraction, but it works for me!

Kara said...

I used to do this when I was younger, but my dad was always getting mad at us for "disrespecting" our bodies and not keeping them clean *rolling eyes* so I don't anymore unless there really isn't anything else to use. It does work well though :D

Melissa said...

That was my same logical thought - my hand (God willing) will always be there. Since regular ink sometimes stays too long on my skin, I'd write on the inside of my hand rather than on the back. That way if I had an important meeting to go to or something the next day, it wouldn't be quite so obvious.

Ms. Kathleen said...

If I don't have paper on my hand it goes. I noticed my youngest son will do the same thing. And you are so right, it's washable!

Thanks for a great tip! Have a wonderful day!

SAHMmy Says said...

I think I may actually adopt this practice! The baby loves to eat paper, and if the preschooler finds a pen, he will draw on my list until it's unreadable! Thanks for the tip!

Anonymous said...

My sister-in-law does the same thing. She calls it her Palm Pilot. If you give her some important info, she'll say,"Hang on, let me put it on my Palm Pilot." LOL

Mom2fur said...

I actually am a list-maker. My problem is, remember to look at the list.
I should do this hand thing when an important bill is due! I think it's a really smart idea.

Carla said...

Though I make to-do lists everyday, I sometimes forget. Remember, to err is human.