Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Birdie misprounced a word as she was reading last night and covered for it by saying,

"Sorry, I just need to know everything right now, so my mind's a little crazy."

Oh, honey, I know what you mean.

A scary thing has been happening to me lately. In my younger years, I remembered everything. My husband called me the vat of useless knowledge. I could remember what I wore and my friends wore to dinner 3, 4, 10 years ago. I knew world history and current events. I knew authors and books. I actually pronounced my children's names correctly.

Alas, something is different. I fear I am becoming my mother.

We always gave her such a hard time. She was constantly pronouncing words, names, you name it, incorrectly. She also is notorious for getting her facts confused. She spent an entire Thanksgiving dinner claiming to have eaten soft-shell clams throughout her childhood.

I fear I am becoming my mother. I mispronounce lots of things. I call just about everyone the wrong name. I can't remember what I wore to church on Sunday. Okay, I do still remember that, but two weeks from now I won't. I don't think I'm that old yet. I'm still two years away from 40.

Maybe I need to add a little soduko to my daily routine.

Or maybe, my friends are right and I'm still cooping with our move. I hope I recover my mind before I lose it completely. More importantly, I hope I don't drive my kids as crazy as we drove my mother. This totally could be one of those what goes around comes around situations. Yuck!

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