Thursday, July 5, 2007

Are Fireworks Illegal?

"Mom, Dad says that fireworks are illegal," said Connor.

"Yes, Connor, they are," answered his mom.

"Awe man, then I don't want to go to the block party," whined Connor.

"Connor, just because fireworks are illegal, doesn't mean there won't be any at the party," said his mom.

And were there ever fireworks in our neighborhood last night. I think each street and cul de sac were hard at work celebrating the one night in the year that we encourage our men to blow up things and impress us. One husband commented that the 4th of July is his idea of the perfect holiday.

He said, "You get the day off work. You don't have to get up early to open any presents, put in batteries, and play with the kids' toys. You don't have to invite your relatives. There's no big meal to make, and you can throw paper plates away. Really, you pretty much don't have to do anything until the afternoon, and then you stand in your yard with your neighbors and a cold one. And for a bonus, you get to set off fireworks. Yeah, 4th of July's the best."

You know, he's right, it was fun.

1 comment:

Tam said...

Ya know? Now that he's put it that way, I see his point! I didn't do a thing this year, but maybe next year I'll appreciate it more. ;)