Monday, July 2, 2007

An Uncommon Friendship

I’m completing Beth Moore 's David 90 Days with a Heart like His this summer. Of course, as usual I’m a few days weeks behind, but I am so enjoying this Bible study. I’ve actually enjoyed all the Bible studies I’ve done. I'm thinking God likes that.

Well, on day 22, Beth (I’ll just call her Beth, because I love her like I actually know her) addresses the friendship of David and Jonathan and what an amazing friendship it was. Beth lists and details three factors which made this friendship so special.

1) Uncommon friends can speak their minds without fear.
2) Uncommon friends can share their hearts without shame.
3) Uncommon friends can stay close even at a distance.

Okay, so I’m crying now, but I'm sure you can completely relate. I am blessed by the best friend in the world. I know you think yours is the best also, and I hope she is. But mine was Chosen. By. God. For. Me.

You know what makes her the best? We love each other as we are. We don’t love to do all the same things, I’m pretty sure we always vote for different Presidential candidates, and well, we’re just different in a whole lotta ways. But we love each other for who we are. No judging, no frustration, no unattainable expectations. We want the best for each other, even if that means we’re not always on the same page in our life plans. This means she still loves me even when she knows I am absolutely an airhead.

I can speak my mind with her. I can lay out the dirt of my marriage, my bad mothering, and insecurities and know she’ll give me her best advice. She won’t even mind when I ignore it and have to ask for her opinion again next week. I can speak honestly when she asks my opinion. We all need a friend to pull our heads out of the sand at times. I once told her she was being completely stupid (in not such kind, child-friendly words), yet I was going to stand by her anyway. I completely shocked her and myself. Not my proudest moment, but an honest one.

I love how she loves my children and truly cares about them. I love how she really talks with my children. I love her children, because I see the pieces of her and her husband melded together into these 2 great kids. I love to spend any time I can with her. We live in different cities now, and I’m still surprised how I just break down in tears when I first see her again. She is the family and sister God gave me later in life. I would do anything she needed.

I pray that everyone has such a friend. God gave us girlfriends to make this journey fun. They’re here on good hair days and the days we wallow in our self made hells. They’re here for the celebrations and to pull us up when our world crashes. They are the opinionated sounding board that helps us make sense of our own lives. When anything happens, and I mean the anything that a lot of days is ab-so-lute-ly nothing, she is the person I want to discuss it with over a cup of coffee.

I’ve often thanked God for my best friend. Beth Moore’s book made me realize today that God brought us together to show me his spiritual bond of three. It is God’s love planted in our friendship that makes it so strong. I witness God’s love each day in the trust and security of this friendship, that I know will withstand a lifetime of my craziness. If this earthly friendship has brought me such joy; oh, the joy God has in store for me with my relationship with him.

God is good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow-your tears brought on my tears. You know why? Because I have a friend just like you describe! And you know what's so special and so rare - - is that how few people (I believe) open their hearts wide enough to recognize the unconditional love and friendship that wait on their doorstep. It's not hard once you've experienced it. What is amazing is that often times the strongest bonds are built between those who you would not expect. What a beautiful world we live in!