Thursday, July 12, 2007

Beth Moore in Washington, DC

I am on my way (as of 6:30 am Friday morning) to see Beth Moore live at the Women of Faith Conference in Washington, DC.

Yippee! Hooray! Hallelujah!!!

I've had my ticket since February, but I'm a typical mom. I came up with a million reasons why I am so needed at home that I couldn't possibly go. Then there was much, much drama at our house this morning, which I will not rehash to save all involved preteen embarrassment. So, I knew since the drama and hurt feelings circus had arrived at my house, I really shouldn't go.

But you see, I had made a promise to God. Not a deal, a promise.

I prayed several times this week about finding a sitter for the conference and whether God even wanted me to go to the conference. I prayed that God would make it clear to me what I should do. Praise the heavens, He made it clear! Not only did he connect me with a sitter, but she's college age and can drive the kids to all their activities.

Yeah, I'm thinking God wants me to hear Beth Moore, and I couldn't be more excited.

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