Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Summertime Fun

Remember the joys of summer when you were a kid.

Sleeping until your mom dragged you out of bed.
Watching TV until...well, let's just say all day if possible.
Fighting with swords in the back yard and screaming so all the neighbors actually thought someone was being executed.
The on-going Monopoly game.
Eating breakfast at 11:45.
Pushing your brother and sister out of your favorite chair until someone slammed against the wall.
Going barefoot and loving it until you found that splinter on the deck.
Taking turns flipping each other in the hammock, until someone flipped too hard.
Arguing with your brother and sisters about the best seat, TV show, what to eat for any meal, popsicle...
Throwing things at your brother and sister just for the fun of it, until...
Trying to sneak your 3rd popsicle of the day past your mom.
Putting off doing any chores around the house until your mother screamed true bloody murder.
Being kicked out of the house, until your mother's headache went away, which will probably be the first day of school.

Thankfully we've only had two of these types of joyful days this summer, or I'd have to sign myself up for summer school.

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