As part of the Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway I am proud to present a great CD by Nichole Nordeman called recollection - The Best of Nichole Nordeman.
You may win your very own copy of this fantastic CD by replying in my comments section with what makes you feel like the Best Mom in the World. You know, what's your own version of a June Cleaver moment. I feel I am Mom of the World when I bake something. And no, I do not bake very often. On Saturday, I made cup cakes and chocolate frosting - from scratch! Nobody even asked me to bake. I knew I was Queen Mommy for the day. Loving my family is tied very closely to filling their tummies.
So what makes you feel like you're actually a great mom. Let me see your comments by Friday morning at 6 am - EST. That's when I'll do a random drawing of all the comments. I might even add the funny book I picked up with the CD as a bonus. I'll throw (make that lovingly place) the winner's package in the mail Friday.
I hope to hear your comments. I'm sure you'll be able to out do my occasional baking. Remember, it's not about what sounds the best, but what crazy thing makes you feel the best.
She has such a beautiful voice and great talent! Oh please do count me in!
Oh this one is kind of hard. I think I feel like the best mom when I turn my computer off and give them my full attention. Speaking of...
I'd love to be in your drawing!
I guess I feel like the best mom when I get to cheer my kids on when they've accomplished some thing on their own. Their success becomes my success! Count me in..I love N.N's music!
isn't she great? I feel like the best Mom in the world when I just get big hugs at bedtime and they 'wuv' all over me!
I fell like a great mom when I am able to spend time with my kids. When I notice details and get to know them better.
I love Nicole Nordeman. What a great giveaway! My e-mail is godsgirltmm@hotmail.com
Taking a walk and just talking. I feel like I'm connecting with my oldest then.
I feel like a great mom when I'm spending time pointing them to Jesus, especially when I can actually remember and take advantage of those teachable everyday moments in the car, while cleaning house, or just playing a game with them.
Right now I am mom to one infant. I feelt like a great mom when he smiles at me, and when my husband tells me I'm doing a good job with him.
I love Nichole's music--please sign me up!
I love her! Please sign me up!
What a perfect prize! I am not commenting to win this, since I have all of her CDs and I am not a mom, but I wanted to comment that this is my favorite prize being offered. I hope the winner enjoys her music as much as I do. She is such a talented singer/songwriter.
Let's see...my "best mom" moments are those rare times when I catch a "teaching moment" right on the nose, and we have a great discussion. I love that.
What a great giveaway--count me in! Thanks for playing along--
This is great. I used to sing with Nicole's mom!!
I feel like a wonderful mom when I scrapbook for my kids-I can't wait to give them their books when they grow up!
BTW, LOVE Nichole Nordeman!
Sorry for my previous oops! Which would actually go to my correct comment on I know that I'm being a good mom when I can admit my mistakes to my boys and demonstrate to them that we all depend on God's grace.
Please enter my name.
I guess I feel like a great mom when my kids hear about other not-so-great moms and are shocked. I'm happy that their experience in our home has been so positive that it's shocking to them when they see kids being spoken to and/or treated badly. And I'd love the cd!
I would LOVE to win some new music. I think I am the best Mommy when I take the kids out for individual attention. My older son gets told "I can't right now honey" a lot because I have twin toddlers, and the twins are always lumped together. So i try to give all three of them some "Mommy and Me" alone time when I can.
I feel like I'm getting it right when someone compliments my children! I would love to have this CD to add to our collection in the van!
I feel like the best mom in the world when I hear my oldest daughter reading to my youngest girls. I'm teaching her to read and it has been fun and yet a big challenge.
Thanks for the great give away, I have every Nichole Nordeman c.d. but this one, which I intend to ask for as a Christmas gift, but hey, if Christmas comes early that's great too.
I would love to win! Please count me in on your great giveaway! Thanks! :o)
I feel like a great mom when strangers tell me my kids are so well behaved and polite.
Please enter me in your drawing!
Love Nichole Nordeman! Seen her when she opened for Casting Crowns.
I have not heard her but have heard that I NEED to hear her! GREAT giveaway~please enter me! (((((HUGS))))) sandi
I have not heard her but have heard that I NEED to hear her! GREAT giveaway~please enter me! (((((HUGS))))) sandi
I love Nichole! Um, when people tell me I have great kids, that makes me feel like a good mom!
I feel like a great mom when I actually sit down and do a craft or project with my daughter! I need to do that more....
Tasha: I have felt like the world's best mom when my children have hurt themselves and their response to my kiss is "all better". I must have magic kisses :)
i'd love to win the cd! i think i'm the best mom when i'm looking my worst and my daughters look up at me and smile and say "momma you're beautiful and i love you" it humbles me sooo much!
I feel like super mom when I actually have my inlaws over for dinner.. they take us out to eat all the time, but if we invite them over to eat, that means that a) the house is clean and b) I am cooking something really good.
Love her!
Please enter me in. Farley80@sbcglobal.net
I feel like supermom when I read them a book! I saw Nichole at the MOPS convention last year. I think she is by far my favorite artist currently. Count me in!
Hi please enter me.
I have her first 2 CDs, but I would love this one.
I feel like the best mom when I walk to pick up the kids from school and they run out to hug me when they see me. I love that!
Don't forget to pop in and see my giveaway, too :)
I feel like a cool mom when I take the kids on lots of fun "field trips".
I feel like I'm a great mom because my kids LOVE having family time!
Inspirational, thanks for your giveaway.
would love to win..Please enter my name in the hat
I feel like a great Mom when I get my kids safely in the car with everything we need and then have a chat with them as we drive instead of singing along with the radio as I enjoy!
I love Nicole Nordeman. Please include me! I feel like a great mom when my kids are happy and cheerful and playing well together. :)
I feel like a great mom when I make my kids laugh. My goal is to teach them to enjoy life and the giggles remind me I am doing ok.
Please enter me in the drawing!!
Please enter me. I love the song "Brave".
My mommy moment is when my girls spontaneously say, "Mom.." and I say "What?" They say..."I just love you."
When they do that I feel like I must be doing something right.
Thank you for a great giveaway!
I'd love to be in your drawing! We love music over here!
When we're on the floor and I'm the jungle gym. The belly laughs and giggles tell me I'm doing it right.
I'm not a mom yet, but I would still like to enter the drawing, if that's okay.
I will change the question a little bit and say that my mom is the best mom because we could talk forever, and we always laugh together. And she always supports & encourages me, and... oh, too much? I could go on. :)
Hmmm, I feel like a great mom when I sit down with my son and spend the time to learn or make a special project together - I know I'm giving him undivided attention rather than doing 10 things at once!
I feel like the best mom in the world when my kids tell me so.
I love the NN cd!
LOVE Nichole Nordeman -- please count me in! :)
I love Nichole!!
(contest #119)
I guess my best mom moments would be when my daughter looks at me and tells me that I'm the best mom and that I spoil her and her Daddy. Please enter me in the contest.
Love her, enter me please...
I feel lie the best mommy when one of my kids, for no reason, come up to me and hug me, or love me. Or, maybe when I se them doing someting kind for someone elese.
Please add me!
I feel like the best mom when my kids are hurt or sick or scared, because they need me so much then. And even though it breaks my heart to see them in pain, I absolutely LOVE being able to hug and hold and take care of them during such times. I feel so needed and I just love to stop all I'm doing and nurture them.
Maybe this sounds crazy. But I feel like the best mom in the world when my kids acheive something that has nothing to do with me. This week my 8 year old, finally learned how to ride his bike w/o training wheels..and the pride he had in himself...it just made me feel like the best mom.
I feel like a great mom when one of my kids tells me. My 18 year old and I were talking the other day and reminiscing a bit. She was my most challenging child and we talked of how I spent a lot of time in prayer in order to know how to deal with her. She came up and hugged me and told me she was so thankful to have me for a mom. She went on to say what kind of a child she might have turned out to be had she had a different parent. What wonderful insight, I felt like the best mom.
Love. Nichole. Nordeman. God has blessed me through her more times than I can count!
I feel like a good mom when my child doesn't pick her nose, belch like a sailor, or push a small child out of the way to get "first in line".
Seriously? I feel like I have done my job well, when I hear my daughter talk to the Great I AM. She just seems to "get" Him. That's when I feel best as a mom.
please enter me in :)
I feel like a great mom when my daughter dances with excitement when I come home from work.
Please enter me into the drawing! Thank you!
I love her songs - count me in!
I feel like a great mom when I have my menu planned for the week on Sunday and all my groceries bought, too. my mind is full of moments...too many to type here...thanks for getting me to think about those moments!
count me in on the drawing...I love her music!
Very, very nice. Count me in.
What great prizes! I feel like a great mom whenever I'm reading to my 3 munchkins. We try to every day!
I feel like a good mom when my kids sing worship music or remember scripture without being prompted. I love it! Thanks for your giveaway!
Pick me Please!
I feel like the best mom when my kids do something I taught them to do by themselves for the first time. Like making a sandwich or buttoning a shirt or reading a book.
Best mom feeling -- when I hear those words I LOVE YOU! Hearing my children sing the Psalms without prompting!
Please enter me too!
I'd love to win this one!
When my little one snuggles with me.
Count me in please
When my 14 month old puts his little arms around my neck and give me a big hug. Or, last night just as I was closing the door to my 2.5 yr. old's room, she said, I love you, Mom. Doesn't get any better!
Ahh, forgot my email. I was having a moment of feeling like a great mom. :-)
Since I scsrapbook, I love looking through the albums with my kids and family, reliving the good (and sometimes not so good) times. It's especially uplifting when I'm feeling like the "worst mom ever." lol...
Please count me in. And don't forget to stop by my blog for my giveaway too! Thanks, and have a great week!
I don't have kids, yet. But I am a great aunt to lots and I read stories, play make believe and buy presents!!
Can I still win?
When my son gets off the school bus and runs to me with arms open for a hug. That is the best moment!
Please count me in!
Seeing the enormous slobbery grin on my baby boy's face when I go to get him out of bed in the morning- haven't made any mistakes yet today, he doesn't remember the ones from yesterday, and he's happy to see me. :)
I love Nichole Nordeman and have that CD on my "wish list". I feel like a super-great Mom when I am relaxing with all 4 kids on the bed and reading aloud to them. Another time is when we are all together and playing and everyone is feeling happy (all.at.the.same.time!!)! Great give-away and a fun question to boot! Thanks!!
I would love to say it's when I bake fresh cupcakes from scratch, but...I don't do that. Sounds pretty mommy-like though.
Mine would be when I'm snuggled up with my little munchkins in my lap reading God's word I'd have to say. Especially if they start asking questions and I'm able to direct their hearts to God.
Mmm, but cupcakes do sound really yummy!! I'll have to try to be more mommyish like that more often. :o)
Thanks for entering me!
when we are snuggled up in bed reading book after book is my pick. i'd love to win btw!
I'm in too :)
I feel like the best mom in the world when I get everything done! lol But.... there is always something left to do :p
They are all grown up.
grams-kelley [at] sbcglobal [dot]net
I feel like the best mom when my girls feel safe enough to tell me what's bothering them, and we're able to discuss their thoughts and feelings.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I feel like I am a good mom when I watch my children shows kindness to stranger and have empathy for them. I know I have done well. Thanks for the contest.
Fabulous giveaway!! Please enter my name in your draw:-) Thank you! xo
LOVE her Legacy song!! My best mommy moment had to be when I finally was able to make homemade biscuits (totally from scratch) and my family actually ate them (even preferred them over the canned ones).
When I'm patient and I say "yes" to their requests, I feel like a great mom. Conversely, . . .
Oh, and I'm a great mom now because my eldest daughter likes Nichole Nordeman, and I'm entering this drawing for her.
Count me in... I love music!
Check out my giveaway here
Please include me! Thank you!
sounds great
I love Nichole - what makes me feel great as a mom? When, with them all being grown, they still call on their drive home from work, just to chat. Feels great!
thanks for entering me! i'm a new mom, but i feel like a great mom when my boy gives me those big smiles when we cuddle.
It doesn't take much from my kids to make me feel like the best mom. They are great with showering me with love and tell me they are thankful that I am their mom. Thanks for the drawing.
Count me in!!! I feel like a great mom when I am able to make my kids feel better about themselves. :)
I beleive I am a good mother for my kids tel me that all the time. Thanks for the chance
I feel like the best mom in the world when my girls make something special "just for mom"
I feel like a great mom when I see them reading (something I've tried hard to teach and model).
I feel like a great mom when my 2-year-old says, "Mommy, you want to hold me?"
The time I feel like the best mom is when my girls say they want to be a mom just like me! That is when I feel like the best mom but it makes me think the most too about how carefully they watch me!!! That can be dangerous too! :)
Great giveaway idea!
Sign me up!
love nicole, plus i'm a nicole, so i have to win, right?!
Love this! Don't send me the CD because I have everything Nichole has ever recorded already on my IPod...she is one of my favorites. However, I wanted to answer your question:
I said when the girls were really little that I would feel like I had done my job if they 1)loved Jesus 2) loved to read. Everytime that I see evidence of those two things in my girls, I feel like a great mom. Thank my precious Lord, I see that evidence all the time!! The latter, especially this week!
Please sign me up!
I feel like the best Mom when I sit down to eat and my 2 year old daughter extends her hands out to me and emphatically says, "Pray, Mommy, pray."
I feel like the best mom when the kids give me a hug just because they felt happy with me, with life, with each other.
I feel like the Best Mom in the World when someone compliments my daughter on how sweet she is...or how polite she is. :-)
Please count me in for this great prize!
I feel like a good mom when I see my kids doing something to serve others. It is a wonderful feeling to raise them to consider others before themselves.
Please enter me in your drawing.
I love her musicCount me in!
I feel my best as a mom when I am sharing some kind of life truth with them. Thanks for entering me in your drawing!
I feel like a great mom when I set the table for dinner and my 3 year old son walks over, gives me a hug and says, "Thanks Mom". :) What a great feeling that is!!
Count me in!
Ladybugs and Lilypads
Don't forget to go and enter our give a way!
Great mom?
When I am watching my daughters cook or bake or love little children and I hope and pray that they have learned just a bit of this from me. Oh, and when they both want to read to me, what a gift! My daughters want to be with me, that is just simply incredible!
I'm not a mom yet, unfortunately, but I am looking forward to motherhood sometime in the near future. I don't have a blog, but you can contact me at DivaDivine15@aol.com. Thank you so much for your generosity!
When I pick my kids up from Mom's Day Out, and the come running, excitedly, to hug me and kiss me and grin from ear to ear.
I feel like the best mom when the kids start singing Christian songs and LIKING them; I also feel like the best mom when they come to pick me up and I get lots of hugs and kisses.
...when their eyes light up at the decorated birthday cake I've made them, or when I see them make the choice to put into practice something we've talked about and have been working on. Nichole's lyrics are always great- please enter me in your giveaway! Thank you!
Thanks for the chance to win this CD! I feel like the "best mom" when I have the foresight to pack something cool, or interesting, or yummy, for the kids that help stave off an impending meltdown, especially on long car trips!
I have a "best mom" moment when my 15 year old son tells me he loves me.
I feel like the best mom, when my 2 year old can't let go of a bear hug at before bed, and says I love you. Thanks for the drawing!
i feel like the best mom when my patience lasts longer than the day does. :)
when i sit and play without being ready to jump up to go cook, or do laundry, or any other thing that needs to be done.
id love to win this cd!
I feel like the best mom when I get sick or hurt and my kids comfort me. It tells me I have raised them with empathy and that is a great trait to have!I would love to be counted in! Thanks.
I feel like the best mommy when I see one of my children praying for a sick sibling, family member or friend...it's then I realize they are actually listening!
Since I am now a grandmother, I feel like a success as a mother when I see my children interacting with their own little ones & can see that all three of my grandchildren are being raised in good loving homes. Thank you for offering such a nice prize:)
Hugs from my kids. Please count me in.
I love Nichole Nordeman! She came to our church and sang and I fell in love. Please count me in and thank you for shring!
Please enter me! Thank you for offering this great giveaway!!
When I do something fun or crafty with my kids instead of the housework that needs to be done.
When I get hugs and kisses and smiles and giggles. Life is perfect then.
Count me in! What a fablous giveaway!
When I get that wonderful "I love you" said to me for no reason. Unconditional love is so wonderful.
Great blog...I'm bookmarking it so that I can come back later. ;)
Come on over to check out my giveaway.
That would be so cool!!
I feel I'm the best mom of the world when I stand up against that arrogant, thinks-he-knows-it-all fill in of the principal of the school of two of my handicapped kids.
That man rather follows the rules than that he shows he cares.
Well, I want people to care about how my kids feel, and if they don't I'll tell them they're falling short.
I have an appointment at the beginning of the schoolyear.
I'm nervous about it, but be sure I won't show that.
I'm the lion, the alligator, I protect my children against people who don't care about them.
Uggh... pfff...
Feel welcome to enter my give-away at: http://laaneworld.blogspot.com/2007/07/give-away.html
I feel I'm the best mom of the world when I stand up against that arrogant, thinks-he-knows-it-all fill in of the principal of the school of two of my handicapped kids.
That man rather follows the rules than that he shows he cares.
Well, I want people to care about how my kids feel, and if they don't I'll tell them they're falling short.
I have an appointment at the beginning of the schoolyear.
I'm nervous about it, but be sure I won't show that.
I'm the lion, the alligator, I protect my children against people who don't care about them.
Uggh... pfff...
Feel welcome to enter my give-away at: http://laaneworld.blogspot.com/2007/07/give-away.html
Lovely giveaway! Thanks so much!
I feel like a great mom when my 3 year old says "wuv u" at bedtime.
I "wuv" NN, she's fantastic! Please count me in.
When my son makes me a special card for a day like Mother's Day or my birthday. He usually goes to a lot of trouble to hand make one and I love it!!!
Please enter me in your contest.
Thanks so much.
What makes me feel good is when my kids tell me that I'm the best mom in the world and when they thank me for homeschooling them.
Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!
Count me in!
I feel like the best mommy when I the first thing my kids want in the morning is cuddle time with me.
Nichole is one of my very favourite singer/songwriters! Thanks for the opportunity...count me in.
Oooh it is 5:51! Count me it, I love Nicole.
JOYfully in Him,
Oh, ;0) different time zone. It is 6:51!
Have a great day!
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