Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Day with a Perfect Stranger

What a great little book! I read A Day with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory in less than a hour yesterday. In a quick 101 pages, Gregory describes how and why God wants to fill your heart with love through the dialogue between a frustrated wife and the stranger who sits down beside her. It speaks to your heart just as God wishes to speak with you.

In this book, Mattie despises religion and thinks she doesn't believe in God. She opens up to the stranger beside her as he ever so casually helps her clarify her deepest longings and what she truly wants and needs from life.

I've spent the last year, and even this morning, asking God, "What do you want me to do (with my life)?" (I can get stuck on one subject.)

This book helped clarify, once again, that God wants us to love him and have an ongoing relationship with him. Everything else is gravy.

Just the other night I looked at my son and told him I missed spending time with him - after we'd spent all day together. We'd been physically together in the same rooms all day, but we hadn't truly talked or connected. I needed some Little Man time.

We, or at least I, do the same thing with God. We know He's there, we say the Our Father and our nightly prayers, but are we truly connecting with Him? Luckily God is always there waiting. He keeps calling to our hearts, making us search for the one and only thing that will completely fulfill us. Him.

Check out A Day with a Perfect Stranger and it's prequel Dinner with a Perfect Stranger. You have to love a quick, feel good book.

1 comment:

Tam said...

Very nicely said.