Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Gallows


Absolutely Excellent!!!

I've had to duel my son and husband for time to read the final installment of the Harry Potter series, but I've just finished. After a shower and cleaning up the mess that has taken up residence in our house this weekend, I plan to reread it. It could well be my favorite book of the series. You know, I like to know how things turn out in the end. And Rowling presents a great ending to the storyline. She even leaves enough open for us to use our imaginations a little without mudding the story line. I am so proud of myself for not skipping ahead or looking at the last chapter at all.

I've heard reviews that call J.K. Rowling's ending to the series a blood-bath. I don't want to give anything away, but there is a war going on against Lord Voldemort and the evil he spreads. For a real, complete literary review you could click here.

I continue to be amazed and supremely impressed with Rowling's imagination. What a gift! The way she ties it all together and reveals the mysteries by presenting new mysteries. Excellent! Oh, did I say that already?

Sooo, I think I need to pay attention to my life outside of a great novel for a few hours at least. Then I can start reading again without too much guilt.

Thanks, Ms. Rowling! I certainly hope there's another great writer out there creating books we will love almost as much.

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