Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Getting Kids to Move

Works for Me Wednesdays at Rocks in My Dryer -

This tip will sound so easy you probably won't believe it. But you have to try it.

I like things done, NOW! It kinda really drives me nuts when I ask my kids to do things, and they don't do them like immediately.

Or they say, "In a minute mom."

Which translates to, "Never, and hopefully, you'll forget you asked."

And who has kids that jump up to do household chores or help their mom immediately? I did not birth that kind of child. I birthed the normal, I-hate-when-my-mom-nags-me-to-do-something children. However, I've found a solution that still surprises me and helps me deal with my "immediately" problem.

When I need the kids to clean their bathroom, take out the trash, and so on and so forth, I ask,

"Do you want to sweep the garage now or in 10 minutes?" (You pick the time - 5, 8, 10, 20).

They almost always say unanimously, "10 minutes!"

Great by me. I've come to realize I can wait 10 minutes if there's no excessive nagging by me required. I set the oven timer for 10 minutes, and in 10 minutes they do the chore. No arguing or whining. Well, at least no excessive whining, and I don't pull out my hair just trying to get them to stand up.

I think that giving the kids the power to choose the time lets them win what they see as a battle. I see it as a win-win situation. Now or 10 minutes works for me. Whoo-hoo, they do the chore!

Try it. I'm still shocked it works so well.


Anonymous said...

Oh I'm definitely trying this one. Having kids has turned me into the nag queen and I hate fighting with them. Thanks for sharing.

Lara said...

Setting a timer is a great idea! I'm famous for asking the kids to do something and then forgetting that I asked. Maybe we all do that.

So is there something wrong with making them do it NOW before I forget about it?

Actually we have a set time to do chores in the morning and that seems to work pretty well. If they forget something then I feel like I have the right to ask them to do it "now" since it was really supposed to be done x hours ago.

penguinsandladybugs said...

This is great!! I am gonna give it a try, thanks for sharing!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I'll be remembering this one! Thanks.