Friday, July 27, 2007

How to Work Household Appliances

If you had to earn a license to work household appliances, I just might lose mine.

You see, I noticed my iron smelled a little funny. Kinda sweet, yet sour funny. I definitely had to take off the shirt I just ironed. And then I realized.

The words lazy and irresponsible also come to mind.

My husband always keeps a cup of water on his nightstand, which is beside where I set up the ironing board. Well, in the last month, he's switched to pink lemonade.

Yeah, you see where this is going.

I conveniently used the cup next to ironing board to fill up my iron rather than walking the 7 huge, exhausting, iron-blessing-me steps to fill it up with water from the tap.


I'm pretty sure the new perfume wafting out of my iron's steam vents is O'pink lemonadette. Of course, I have no intention of throwing out the iron yet. I have steamed several containers of actual water through it in hopes of cleaning it out. I'm pretty sure my next step will be to run vinegar through it, but that just brings back memories of the microwave horror.

There are several other household offenses I've committed this year. I 'm certainly not going to share them today. Thank God for Heloise's Helpful Hints.

Now, if only I could channel her household aptitude, I wouldn't have to Google her so often.


Tam said...

AhHaHaHaHaHa! That's hysterical! Oh! Sorry...hehe.

Truth said...

LOL, sounds like somthing I would do.

Perri said...

I love it when others are willing to share their own catastrophes - makes me feel more normal.